Ceramic fiber module how to achieve the function of energy saving and consumption reduction

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The ceramic fiber module is a new type of refractory furnace lining products launched to simplify and speed up the construction of the kiln and improve the integrity of the furnace lining, which has a good refractory insulation effect, improves the integrity of the refractory insulation of the kiln, and promotes the progress of kiln masonry technology.

Ceramic fiber module how to achieve the function of energy saving and consumption reduction

The ceramic fiber module is a new type of refractory furnace lining products launched to simplify and speed up the construction of the kiln and improve the integrity of the furnace lining, which has a good refractory insulation effect, improves the integrity of the refractory insulation of the kiln, and promotes the progress of kiln masonry technology.

1. The kiln wall and the kiln top are equipped with thermal insulation refractory aluminum silicate fiber modules, so that the thermal conductivity in the kiln becomes smaller, and the heat is not lost, so as to effectively recycle the heat source and achieve the function of energy saving and consumption reduction

2. There is a waste heat utilization system on the tunnel kiln structure, and the extracted hot air is used for drying bricks in the drying room or as heating in winter in the northern region.

3. There is a kiln door at the inlet and outlet end of the kiln, so that the operation in the kiln is stable and not affected by the outside world.

With the advancement of the national energy conservation and emission reduction plan, the transformation of the brick-fired tunnel kiln is imminent, and the aluminum silicate fiber module has been greatly praised for its excellent thermal insulation performance in the ceiling of the brick-fired tunnel kiln. It has excellent chemical stability; Excellent thermal stability; Excellent elasticity, the aluminum silicate fiber module is in the preloading state, after the furnace lining masonry is completed, the expansion of the aluminum silicate fiber module makes the furnace lining seamless, and can compensate for the shrinkage of the fiber lining, so as to improve the thermal insulation performance of the fiber furnace lining, and the overall performance is good; Excellent thermal stability and thermal shock resistance; The aluminium silicate module is quick to install and the anchors are placed on the cold side of the wall, reducing the requirements of the anchor material.

Key words: Smoke control and fire protection ceramic fiber series aluminum silicate fiber series