Preparation for making aluminum silicate fiber products

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Aluminum silicate fiber products are suitable for building exterior wall insulation, fire isolation belts, building self-insulation cold and hot bridge treatment, etc.

Preparation for making aluminum silicate fiber products

Aluminum silicate fiber products are suitable for building exterior wall insulation, fire isolation belts, building self-insulation cold and hot bridge treatment, etc. The product has fire retardant, small deformation coefficient, anti-aging, stable performance, good ecological and environmental protection, good compatibility with wall base and plastering layer, good safety and stability, and can have the same life as the building. Do you know what preparation is required to make it? The following editor will take you to find out.

1. The surface of the steel structure and equipment in contact with the refractory fiber lining should be removed from rust, oil and floating ash. The best way to remove rust is to use sandblasting method, if you do not have the conditions, you can also use other methods, degreasing can use blowtorch baking method, and the floating ash can be cleaned with compressed air. For the surface of heavy refractory materials, it is best to "brush" the base surface to form a rough surface, so as to facilitate the good combination of spraying materials and base surfaces.

2. The welding of anchor nails can be welded by ordinary handlebars, or by screw welding machine. Because of the fast welding speed and good quality, the screw welding is welcomed by the construction unit. When using screwing, the porcelain ring should be preheated to remove the moisture inside to ensure the quality of welding. The fiber is easy to form a large structure due to external force extrusion during loading or transportation. To prevent pulsation during spraying, large pieces of fiber should be torn apart. When tearing cotton, it should follow the direction of the fiber, and it is easy to break the fiber when tearing cotton horizontally, which affects its performance.

4. There are three types of binders: low temperature (800 °C), medium temperature (1000 °C) and high temperature (1300 °C). Different types of binders should be used according to different furnace temperatures. The ratio of binder to water should be the responsibility of a special person, after each barrel of binder is filled, it should be fully stirred, mixed evenly, to achieve a suitable consistency, usually at least five to seven minutes. Then the spraying machine should be charged by a special person. The fibers should not be pushed by hand or other tools, as the machine is automatically fed to prevent personal and equipment accidents. Do not leave the bag pieces in the material when loading, as this will clog the machine.

5. Attention should be paid to the hanging position of temporary lighting fixtures, and the nozzle must not be sprayed directly to the lamps to prevent short circuits, and it is best to set up walkie-talkies to communicate when spraying at a distance, so as to reduce unnecessary downtime and improve work efficiency.

Key words: Smoke control and fire protection ceramic fiber series aluminum silicate fiber series